Manfred Steyer
![Manfred Steyer](/people/manfred-steyer.jpg)
Trainer and Consultant
GDE in Angular • Microsoft MVP
Trainer, consultant, and programming architect with focus on Angular. Google Developer Expert (GDE) and Trusted Collaborator in the Angular team who writes for O'Reilly, the German Java Magazine, and windows.developer. Regularly speaks at conferences.
Modern Angular Architectures with Nx and Lightweight Stores
Lightweight Stores are easy to use and highly flexible. However, they also change several rules known from traditional Redux-based solutions. In this session, we shed some light on this.
We start with an Nx-based architecture and implement a use case with the new NGRX Signal Store. Thanks to the store’s fantastic extensibility mechanism, this is accomplished in just a few lines of code. Then, both worlds come together: We discuss several options, changed rules, and no-goes for using lightweight stores in such solutions.
By the end, you know how to leverage Nx and lightweight stores for your architecture and understand the differences to already known Redux-based solutions.